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Updated: Mon, 31 July 2023


Published on: 13 -06-2024

LDCL AGM will take place at Shirley Chess Club on Thursday 13th June - start time 19.45.

Draft LDCL Agenda 23/24 Season

  1. Apologies
  2. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting
  3. Chairman's report
  4. Prize Giving
  5. Treasurer's report
  6. Fixture Secretaries report/ proposed composition of the League for 24/5
  7. Registration Officer report
  8. Safeguarding report
  9. Webmaster's report

Policy and Proposed Rule Changes

  1. Proposed new policy on not bringing own drinks to venues that have catering
  2. Rule 7 clarification on the criteria for subsequent registrations
  3. Rule 7 K amendment in relation to review of registrations from the Registration Officer's own club
  4. Rule 19 amendment in relation to mobile devices being switched on
  5. Rule 19 new protocol on the procedure to be followed if it is expected that a mobile device is switched on
  6. Rule 24 proposed amendment in relation to the dispute resolution process

The AGM should note that 9 - 13 have the support of the Committee, however a range of Committee views exist in relation to 11.

24/25 Season 

  1. Individual Competitions 24/5
  2. Election of League Officers

17 AOB

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