League Officials

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Updated: Thu, 31 October 2024

Ben Graff
Tel: 07836293164
Julian Summerfield
Tel: 07929 111060
Tom Darling
Tel: 01926 314946
Fixtures Secretary
Dave Thomas
Tel: 0121-449-8024 Mob: 07793 118 628
Deputy Chairman
Gordon Christie
Tel: 01564-826354 Mob: 07915 006484
Safeguarding Officer
Peter Stiff
Tel: 01789 551869 Mob: 07702710363
ECF Delegate
Hok Yin Stephen Chiu
Tel: -
Registration Officer
Gordon Christie
Tel: 01564-826354 Mob: 07915 006484
Rating Officer
Dave Thomas
Tel: 0121-449-8024 Mob: 07793 118 628
Peter Stiff
Tel: 01789 551869 Mob: 07702710363
Trophies Officer
Omar Khemoudj
Tel: -
Blitz (Lightning Tournament )
Hok Yin Stephen Chiu
Tel: -
Competitions Secretary
Tom Darling
Tel: 01926 314946
Independent Examiner
Tel: -
Email: -