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Updated: Mon, 31 July 2023

Dispute between Coventry A and Stratford C

Published on: 22 -06-2023

Summary of the hearing of the Dispute between Coventry A and Stratford C re a mobile phone which went off during a game.

The matter was heard by the committee at Wythall House on 1st June. The committee was quorate.

The Committee heard from both sides. It was agreed by all sides that whilst the game was in progress, after fewer than 10 moves had been played, the mobile phone in question did indeed emit a significant ringing sound (three rings), which was heard by players from both sides. The phone was in the possession of the Coventry board one player. As such, it was alleged by Stratford that the Coventry player had breached Rule 31.

The Stratford player highlighted the issue at the time but was persuaded by the opposing captain to continue to play, and lost in the end. He stated that he had been affected and distracted by the incident.

Coventry stated that there were some communications issues in that their player spoke no English, and her interpreter was not present. It seems from later discussions that the phone was in her possession, was switched off but an alarm overrode the “off” setting.

The committee found in favour of Stratford C, that a breach of Rule 31 had occurred, so that the game should be scored Bozhgulova, Zainabkhan 0 – 1 Payne, Simon L. In the context of Rule 31, the penalty for such a breach is loss of game, a penalty which “cannot be waived….”.

Recommendations to all participants from the Committee:

  • In case of a similar breach, the player whose phone has sounded shall be deemed to have lost (unless their opponent cannot win by any legal series of moves). The game should finish at that point.
  • Where a player has communications or language issues their opponent should be made aware of the situation before the commencement of the game.
  • Leave all mobile phones outside the playing area unless you are sure they are switched off, and there are no alarms set.